We are pleased to announce that the OceanHeat project team has released a new data set of ocean turbulent heat fluxes estimated from various remotely sensed data. The determination of latent and sensible heat fluxes as well as of the related bulk variables, is based on the use of the European Space Agency (ESA) Ocean Heat Flux (OHF) project (
https://wwz.ifremer.fr/oceanheatflux) results. Data are calculated as daily estimates over free ice global oceans, with regular space grid of 0.25 degree in latitude and longitude. More than 25 years (January 1992 – June 2017) of daily data are freely available on ftp://o1ef56:DeJd6uNv@eftp.ifremer.fr/oceanheatflux/data/third-party/fluxes/ifremerflux_v4/.
1992-2017 Ocean Heat Flux Time Series camera iphone 8 plus apk
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